Paper Descriptions
Acid free, 100% cotton rag with a radiant white surface for rich details and accurate reproduction. This paper has more texture than Photo Rag. Contains OBAs |ISO Brightness 96.|. Weight 255 gsm | 19 mil. Use for art reproductions where you want to get a soft feel.
Somerset Velvet selections are shipped flat and not rolled. Printed by Robin Imaging Services, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Premium Poster Paper
This poster paper is water resistant and can be used indoors or outdoors. The image quality is suitable for framing. It is ideal for theater type poster and can even be applied to walls using starch based adhesives. The white point on this paper is a little warmer and darker than the C-Prints or the 8 mil poster paper. Whiteness 84 | 9 mil | 212 g/m | satin finish. Use for short term outdoor use, economical prints for framing, or prints mounted to Gatorboard (laminating not required).
Premium Poster Paper selections are shipped in a tube for the 18 in. x 24 in. size and shipped flat for the 9 in. x 12 in. size. Printed by Robin Imaging Services, Cincinnati, Ohio.